Conversation Between Brother And Sister About Studies In English

Conversation Between A Brother  And Sister About Studies In English

Jennifer the elder sister of George, is preparing to go out for her class x board exam. This is her first day. She is carrying a few important things with her.  George watches her and ask her a number of question which she answers.

Brother : George, Are you set for your Social Studies exam today. You deen to be very nervous about the exam.

Sister :  You are right. I really want to do well. I hope the paper won't be too lengthy or too difficult.

Brother : Are you fully prepared to go now?

Sister: Yes, I am.

Brother:  Why are you carrying an umbrella in this dry weather?

Sister: In case it rains!

Brother : Very strange! Okay Why are you carring so much money with you?

Sister : In case I miss the bus. I will have to hire an auto rickshaw.

Brother: And why are you carrying sunglasses?

Sister: In case I have to walk in the sun.

Brother: Why a map of the area?

Sister: In case I lose my way.

Brother: Are you carrying your Roll No. slip, pens, pencils, scale etc.

Sister: Oh yes in fact, I have two boxes, carrying the same things.

Brother: Why two boxes?

Sister: In case I lose one of them.

Brother: And why an alarm clock?

Sister: I may not doze off in the bus when my stop comes where I have to get down.

Brother: And why are you carrying a salo tape, a piece of string, band-aid and medicines?

Sister:  well, George, you never know when and where you need these things!

Brother:  You are really well prepared to go for board examination.


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